Saturday, September 13, 2008

A day at the Fair!

Another great year at the fair....Gabe rode his first "adult" ride. Much to my dismay, he needed a grown-up to ride with him. I am apparently the only one who does not get sick on such spinning rides, LUCKY ME! I must say I was shaking before it started. I am not really one for rides period. I had my hand wrapped around Gabe's tummy and I could tell that he was laughing pretty much the entire time. Just goes to show that Mommy's don't always know best.
The view from the flying elephants.
Gabe was happy to have some family fun time. Now he just has to wait until we are fun again next year! Apparently we are pretty boring in the mind of a four year old!

He did like the bumper cars this year, but he thought he should be allowed to drive! He enjoyed it much more once he started to steer as I controlled the petals beyond his reach.
Andy's first experience with Cotton Candy. At first he didn't know what to do really. He just pulled it out little by little and looked at us like, What do I do with this? The look on his face was clear that normally such a substance would not only be inedible, but also would be immediately taken from his tiny hands. Once he tried it, he was hooked and began to carry the bag everywhere.
Gabe the thrill seeker didn't disappoint us with the amount of rides he wanted to try. This was one of two roller-coasters he really loved. The Caterpillar was his favorite. He rode it several times. But as you can he didn't really mind this one either.
Anderson and Nana loved feeding the goats. The best was the camel that followed him around. He would laugh and laugh when the camel took the carrots. But, the poor camel was a bit camera shy and kept missing up the cute shoots.

Other then the many many many trips on the Merry-Go-'Round, Anderson wasn't big enough to ride many of the rides. He was even turned away from the tiny train to nowhere. This helicopter ride was a bit stressful for him.

This bus moves much faster than you think. The first year we came to the fair we called it the "bus of doom", but Gabe loved it then and still does now. Anderson was not willing to give this bad boy a shot.
In general the fair was yet another sign that Gabe is growing up. He rode these swings after viewing them from atop the "bus of doom". He got off the bus and said, "I need more tickets, lets go to those swings". Not a bit of fear or hesitation on every ride. He would stand up and hand the tickets to the person opening the gate and just go on in. I was amazed to say the least. Now, he did want to know where we were standing to watch him in the ride. But, I am so glad for that. I don't want him to grow up too fast. In just a couple of years he'll be saying, "Mom, I'll met you by the Farris Wheel in an hour." What will I do then?

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