Sunday, October 5, 2008

I almost forgot!

Gabe was able to teach Kensley how to dunk chocolate chip cookies. Look out Julie and Chris because she is a fan of this new technique. For those who have not seen Gabe do is not a simple "dunk" process. There is a pre-dunk ritual, you must prep the cookie by tearing it into about 20-30 bite size cookies depending on the size of the cookie. Note: these pieces are very small, thus causing your hand to be submersed into the milk.

The "dunk" The excess milk lick

The joy of goodness

Gabe loved having a bunk buddy. He said the 1st night that "the girl below him was cute and sweet" and the 2nd night when Kensley expressed she was a bit scared of the dark, Gabe reassured her he was there to keep her safe. Although I must add that early that day he did hide the extra night light because he thought the room was too he's not all sweet, but brave, yes.

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