Friday, July 23, 2010


I know I know...almost at the one year mark for blog posts...I am one of "those" people! I am not even sure how I let this happen. I suppose it could be the busyness of the year...Gabe started public school, Anderson started preschool, Our first family vacation to Disney, I returned to work after three years... oh and we added another child to the mix. Luckily another boy, Sam, so no need to change the title of this blog. Nick is our constant, has the same job and sanity level to keep us stable! so for a lack of a better way to round out a year, I will now turn to Smilebox for a slide show of the year gone by. It will take you about 3 minutes, sorry! Enjoy!

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Tiffany said...


Lickliders said...

That was so cute!

Unknown said...

I am one of "those" people too. I have started a catchup post but I'll probably never finish it.