Friday, May 8, 2009

To Play T-Ball...

Or not to play, that is the Question.

What to do when a kid BEGS to play a sport they have never seen and therefore don't understand. We decided to let Gabe try his hand a T-Ball this year. Although it has changed a lot since we were kids, the simple fact that it is coach pitch now, some things never change. We had a game last night for example, where I kid you not, a parent challenged the umpire's call on two separate outs! IT'S T-BALL people! Despite the two hour long practice's that started in March were Gabe would sit on his glove and say "I want to play soccer now, HE is really LOVING the games. I am still not sure why we had sooo many practices for only a 9 game season. But I am glad he is enjoying himself now.

Gabe before the first big Game.

Ready to run home, sadly the other team made the third out ending the game, before Gabe could score.

Practice Swings!

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